Your Councillors

Lisa Stiffell

Parish Clerk



Clare Boggia


Click here to view the Register of Interests

 I have lived in the village for most of my life and attended the primary school.  I am retired now but worked for the NHS as a nurse all my life.  My interests are gardening, travelling and I enjoy showing my dogs. 

Teresa Bowles


Click here to view the register of Interests

I have lived in Graveney most of my life. I am married to local farmer Ben Bowles. My interests are walking, speedway, reading and helping Ben on the farm. I am President of Graveney and District W.I.

I have two daughters and five grandchildren.

Mike Newman


Click here to view the Register of Interest

I have lived in Kent all my life and now reside in Homestall with my wife and 2 young children.  Professionally, I work full-time as a Technology Transformation Director within the Financial Services sector.  I am proud to chair the GGPC and hope I can bring some of my commercial and business experience to bear to support the village, particularly with some of the large changes to our landscape and housing we see around us that potentially threaten the nature and culture of our community.
When I’m not working, I enjoy gardening, walking and the countryside and, occasionally, I get to enjoy some music, being a drummer, albeit an ageing one!